


Chicken or the egg, Artist or Fine Art

This video work is a kind of “mocumentary” which shows the process of changing the mind of one woman, who had not been able to decide whether she would become an artist or not, but finally stated her will to be an artist. In this video, what changes her mind is a practice of shouting “Ten Statements for an Artist” which consist of remarks by 10 artists, the method of which is based on the new employee trainings of Japanese companies.


“Ten Statements for an Artist” consist of remarks by 10 talented artists who are considered to be worthy of imitation. These phrases are quoted from books, documentaries and some websites, although they are not so reliable.

Details of the practice
- Memorize “Ten Statements for an Artist” completely, and shout them in a loud voice.
- Shout them all in 1 minute.
- Shout every single word and phrase perfectly.
- Keep trying for several days until she succeed in completing this mission.

This work consists of 3 different parts: the first part shows the scene in which Nobuaki himself is shouting “Ten Statements for an Artist” with a cliff on his back.
In the second part, Nobuaki has an interview with Risa Okamoto, a woman who cannot decide whether she would become an artist. In a degree show of an art college in Kyoto, Risa showcased some decorated cockroaches as her graduation work. Here rises one question: why did she decorate cockroaches despite she had once hated them so badly? Through recollecting her own memory, this part reveals her feeling of wrongness about her life and social environment. (For your information, the process of confession and recollection is also an important part of the new employee trainings.)
In the last part, she takes the lesson of shouting “Ten Statements for an Artist” by Nobuaki, and her mind gradually changes through this practice.

“Artist”(Solo Exhibitions)
Antenna Media/Kyoto

Yasuyuki Nakai's curator review
Takafumi Kobuki's review
Momokov Yoshida's review

Nuit Blanche Kyoto 2013
Gallery @KCUA /Kyoto

Artist and Prophet”(Solo Exhibitions)

egØ−Re-examining the Self−”  
punto  /Kyoto
